Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in joining the club? We welcome new members throughout the year! If you're thinking about joining, your're welcome to start coming to practice anytime, and you can also fill out this interest form. Here are the answers to some questions frequently asked by prospective and new members.

Other questions about joining the team?

Email us!

How do I join Penn Club XCTF?

Just start coming to practice! Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 4:30 pm, Tuesdays @ 6:00pm. Meet at the top of the stairs in front of Pottruck.

Are practices mandatory?

No, Penn Club XCTF is a community for all runners, and it’s really what you make of it. There’s no requirement to attend practice, but we hope you’ll find it so awesome that you want to come!

Do I have to go to every race?

No, the races you choose to compete in are entirely up to you.

If I join Penn Club XCTF, do I have to compete?

No, you can join as a recreational member. You still get to come to all our practices and events, but you don’t get a uniform or travel with us to meets.

What is the ability range of runners in Penn Club XCTF?

We have grad students who competed on varsity teams in undergrad all the way to people who just run to stay in shape, so the range is quite large. You’ll likely be able to find someone who likes to go around your pace.

How long are your typical runs?

Generally practice will take about an hour. Runs are typically 3-8 miles, although this number varies a lot depending on the workout for the day.

Does Penn Club XCTF compete in local races (i.e. road races, trail races, the Philadelphia Marathon)?

While we don't compete officially as a group at these events, many of our members do run them together. There’s always a good number who do the Philadelphia Marathon and Half Marathon each year!

Does Penn Club XCTF do any speed work?

Yes! Speed workouts designed by our coach and captains are offered at afternoon practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Does anyone go to practice twice a day?

Typically no. We offer practice twice a day to accommodate more people's schedules.

Is practice held if it rains?

Yes - practice happens rain, snow, or shine. In the past we've only canceled practice when all school events were called off due to inclement weather.

Where can I leave my things while I run?

There are many lockers available inside Pottruck. Bring your own lock to use or a quarter to borrow a key from the 4th floor lockers. If you leave your Penncard inside, sign out at the front desk so you can re-enter the gym without your card after the run.

What if I am more of a shorter distance runner/sprinter?

We offer sprint workouts at our Tuesday & Thursday practices at the track! Fall competition will be longer distance XC races, but we have plenty of indoor/outdoor track meets in the winter/spring months that offer all the usual track events.

What if I'm running late to practice?

Don't worry, we typically wait a few minutes at Pottruck for stragglers, and you should be able to find us stretching there for a few minutes more before we actually start our run. Feel free to join us mid warm-up. If we're on the track, we're even easier to find!

Is Penn Club XCTF too intense for me?

No! We welcome all levels in our club, so while some of our faster members are serious about their training, everyone should be able to find someone going their pace. You won't be forced to try to keep up with someone running much faster than you.

Where can I find details about the Penn Club XCTF Constitution?

Right here!